
In October 2018, the inaugural K9entries Agility Ambassador of the Year was held.

This award was to identify someone in the Dog Agility community (in it's entirety) who:

The winner, as chosen by an overwhelming number of votes, was Jody Brown. It wasn't hard to see why.

For those of us privileged to have met and known Jody, would have known that Jody was the epitome of what the award was about. A kind and gentle man, Jody touched the lives of many dog sporting enthusiasts around Australia. He was a great friend to many, and provided support and help to anyone who needed it.

Sadly, Jody passed away 2 weeks after the presentation of this award doing what he loved most - judging agility - surrounded by people who loved and treasured him.

From 2021, this award is now expanded to the broader dog sporting community, representing the love of all dog sports that Jody had.

How it is run

From 2021, nominations will open early in the year and close in late October, giving everyone ample opportunity to send in their nominations.

Each nomination (which fits the below criteria), will receive an entry into a draw, and a winner selected randomly.

Whilst any nomination is welcome, only those that consist of at least 100 words or more, are distinct (eg. not a copy of another nomination, or very similar to another nomination) and address each of the criteria listed will be eligible as an entry into the draw.


2019 - Lynne Padfield

2021 - Coral Pethers

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