
The aim of this website is to provide an easy-to-use, cost-effective tool for assisting clubs and groups to run their competitions via the internet.

It was originally intended to assist clubs and groups running Dog Sports competitions, however can be tailored to suit any club/groups competition needs.

Have a suggestion or would like to find out more about K9 entries? Feel free to post a suggestion on our Facebook group.

For the Competitor

As a Competitor you can:

Using K9 Entries, competitors only need to enter their details once, and they are stored for quick retrieval when submitting entries in subsequent competitions.
Competitors will also enjoy the automatic display of events that are applicable to their level of competition, without having to lookup schedules
(that can sometimes be confusing novice competitors).
There is NO charge for competitors to enter competitions via K9 Entries

Future developments will include a competitors area with some exciting features to follow. Watch this space for updates as they happen!

For the Organiser

As an Organiser (eg. Club or Group) you can:

As an organiser of K9 Entries, clubs/groups need only setup a competition (which requires very little IT knowledge), and the competitors enter all the details for you!.
No more trying to decipher hand-written entry forms, and correcting mistakes from competitors entering events they are not eligible for!
After entries close, it is just a matter of downloading the required paperwork for the club and, should the club/group wish to enter results data ringside,
simply a matter of setting up an appropriate internet-connected device to enter the results.

Copyright © 2013 - 2024 by Alison Muddle.
All Rights Reserved.